Many of you have been asking looooots of question about
my eyelash extensions that Milly have very kindly sponsered me! ^-^
I didnt wanna like look super fake, but i wanted it to be dramatic
so i don't have to use falsies or whatever! hahahs
Loooots of you asked how do i remove my makeup,
you should avoid using oil based makeup removers,
So the best way is to use makeup wipes!
I'm kinda like a clean freak when it comes to makeup removal,
Just wipe the eyelid area,
if you applied eye liner, it'll be better to wipe it carefully
without touching the extensions.
Using wipes will be much much easier than like cleanser or sth,
then after using wipe, i'll wash my face with my usual cleanser!
Actually it's not that difficult to maintain or anything,
just try not to rub your eyes, and avoid the lashes
when you're washing your face, that's all!
Hahahas, i think it's damn good cos now even if i go out
without makeup, i won't worry that i'd scare somebody
to death with my naked face or sth! LOL!
Other than being a little troublesome when you're
removing eye makeup, i think there's really not much disadvantage!
But maybe around 2-3 weeks it'll start to drop afew strands,
but now Milly has this promotion, top-up 38bucks and
get unlimited touch up for the extensions!
So yah.. drop then drop luh! LOL!
Just go back and top up :x
If you need more information: check out
Boyf and i have been lately quite afew movies recently!

I love it! It's super cute, just like other anime movie
by the same author, Totoro etc!

Got ticket from Nuffnang for the Inkheart movie screening at The Cathay!
I think it's pretty okay, but omg, WE SAW THE
"AHHH OMG OMG OMG!" We're looked like two morons. lol.

Went to Love Matter's Gala Premiere with boyf, and his parents

Ordered a new cosmetic pouch today!
sobs, my pretty M.A.C cosmetics pouch is rotting~
Need to go catch some sleep now!
It's 8am and i'm still infront of my computer, lol
i was reading and i just can't stop, but i finally finished it!
I finish reading 2 books today :x
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves! (:
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